

Oversigt is a configurable dashboard software.
It is able to serve several dashboards simultaneously and change the dashboards’ configuration at runtime and without restarting the server.

Oversigt is danish and means nothing else then oversight.

JavaDoc Generated Reports

How does it work?

Oversigt uses event sources to gather data from nearly any source of information. For each event source you can create several widgets. Each widget displays the information of its event source and is customizable how it displays the data. Those widgets will then be placed in dashboards which simply order the widgets and enable you to arrange the dashboard’s content as you like.
Then simply open a browser and violá: Screenshot of the dashboard

Where does it come from?

Oversigt is basically a Java port of Dashing. It is based on the great project of jashing.
The advantage of Oversigt over the two projects is that it features a powerful server allowing just-in-time configuration. There is no need to edit configuration files any more :)

How to start the dashboard?

You have two possibilities:

By default Oversigt will open a HTTP server listening at port 80 and 443. Open http://localhost/config to start configuring your dashboards.


Oversigt contains several built-in connectors able to connect to a variaty of sources of information:


We forked Jashing somewhen in 2016 and then extremely modified the configuration part of the project. Jashing as well as also Dashing itself are only able to serve dashboards configured by files existing on the server. Oversigt wants to create a dashboard software that can be configured by a simple web interface without needing to restart servers.
One goal of the Oversigt software is to serve many dashboards from one single server while running only one instance of the server software. Every data should only be gathered once and then spread to all dashboards displaying this data while every dashboard should be able to customize its view of the data without interrupting others.